Reply to post: Re: I get pissed off

Feds finger Norks in Sony hack, Obama asks: HOW DO YOU SOLVE A PROBLEM LIKE KOREA?

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: I get pissed off

Anon Coward - Yes, Iraq had illegal chemical weapons in the nineties and used them (just like the USA still has chemical weapons and has used them), they faced sanctions from the UN and agreed to destroy them. This destruction process was overseen by the UN and verified complete long before the second war in Iraq. Sure Iraq didn't really welcome having to give up these weapons, after all they had a belligerent neighbour and enemy, Iran, against whom the chemical weapons were an effective deterrent (sound familar?). Besides which, does any sovereign country like to be told what to do? The US flat out ignores international laws and gets away with it, so why should anyone else pay attention to them?

We all remember Colin Powell telling the UN that despite what the UN weapons inspectors said, that Iraq was still producing chemical weapons. After all they had pictures of mobile chemical weapons labs, only after the invasion they turned out to be ordinary lorries. They had 'intel' about chemical weapons plants, only they were just ordinary factories and warehouses. When you go looking for 'evidence' after you've already decided the guilty party you'll inevitably find some evidence, no matter how flimsy, which you'll bend to fit that theory.

Note I'm avoiding the term WMD, since Iraq has only ever had chemical weapons unlike some countries which also have nuclear and biological weapons - both of which are far, far more capable of "mass destruction" and which are also illegal.

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