Reply to post: @matt collins

Untangling .NET Core: Open source for Windows, Mac, Linux


@matt collins

> Pathetic, why would you bring the Germans into this? You're starting to sound like a shill.

I (currently, having walked out of the law firm) work for a small precision engineering firm in Gloucestershire.

Why bring the Germans into this? As an example of the fact that you cannot judge anything, not a country, not a company, not an individual, by what it was 20 years ago. Most MS hate around here is irrational and seems to stem from the mid 90s (ActiveX, bundling IE, calling the GPL a cancer were all around '94-'96). The "bullyboy" thing pretty much went with Gates. Ballmer may have been bombastic and isolationist (and his competence is often questioned despite his clear financial results) but he wasn't Larry Ellison by any stretch. Nadella is a whole different ballgame again - his record is one of opening APIs, releasing free tools and and co-operation with other companies.

I see very little reasoning behind the blanket condemnations (of what are in the main, pretty good tools which would get better if more people didn't just dismiss them out of hand) and a whole lot of seemingly deliberate ignorance and prejudice. It's like they like having an enemy, regardless of what that enemy actually does.

It's not rational behaviour, just stupid Stone Age tribalism and we, as people who solve problems with logic for our very livelihoods, should be better than that.

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