Reply to post: Re: Funny sizes?

Brit gun nut builds working sniper rifle at home out of scrap metal


Re: Funny sizes?

"Apparently 7mm would be the ultimate calibre. Whenever a group of specialists sit down to work out the best round for a general infantry weapon they come back to 7mm"


7 mil rounds have been around for ages, I recall using a Remington 7 mil in the eighties, I also used the French FR F1 which was 7.5, the Belgian FAL and British SLR which were 7.72, the AK 47 7.62 short up to the Stoner 50 mil (12.7 in French) and the lovely FAMAS in 5.56.

As to the other person asking about why Calibers are so strange, it is to do with the conversion twixt metric and non metric so 5.56 comes out as .223. Now a bullet such as a 7.62 (.308)is not actually 7.62, it is generally 7.8 or 7.82 which is as it happens .308. The caliber refers to caliber of the barrel at the start of the rifling and is an internal measurement. It all gets a bit confusing and the US have used some wonderful calibers over the years.

I recently had reason to fire an MP7 which is 4.6 caliber, a Magpul FMG9 (wierd stuff) and by my side I have an automatic pistol which is 7.65 in caliber and preferred weapon to agents who have lots of 0s and a 7 in their name.

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