Reply to post: Re: No worries...

'Critical' security bugs dating back to 1987 found in X Window

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: No worries...

There's always Wayland and Mir.

X's biggest problem stems from the era it existed in. Back in the days when the Internet was entirely inhabited by academics and military people. "The Internet" was like a little village where people mostly knew each other, and you could leave the front door unlocked without fear of being ransacked.

Not today.

The good news is that very few people have X ports directly exposed, the default configuration on Linux systems for a long time was that X only listens on Unix domain sockets and the only real thing I'd be worried about is X11 forwarding over SSH to untrusted hosts or some possible attack vector via WebGL.

Out of these, only the latter one is of particular concern, since it's possible to coax someone to click a malicious link with specially crafted WebGL code to perform something nasty. Sandboxing in the browser may help, but it looks like the people are on top of it already.

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