Reply to post: Games characters

Furious GTA V gamers seek similar ban on violent, misogynistic title: the Holy Bible

MJI Silver badge

Games characters

Stupid idea trying to ban GTA5, may be ban a game if it is really bad, but GTA5 is pretty well liked.

Personally I prefer to play as a goody, baddy CAN be fun, but I do not enjoy killing NPCs which are not a threat. Morally ambiguous is also no real issue.

So if an alien is shooting at me, or even just an alien soldier, it will be wiped out. People trying to kill my character, bye bye.

But killing shop keepers, prostitutes, non shooting Police, no thanks.

It is possible to play the Infamous games as a baddy with good intentions without wiping out huge amounts of ordinary characters. Wipe out the baddies violently.

Yet I really enjoy morally ambiguous games, some of my favourite characters are like this (Nathan Drake & Joel for example)

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