Reply to post: Re: This does not happen in India ... copy their method

UK slaps 25 per cent 'Google Tax' on tech multinationals

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: This does not happen in India ... copy their method

India has special economic rules and policies to protect its "developing nation" status.

The UK would not be allowed to implement the draconian measures that they have, it would be against EU agreements and even if you take the "farage option", nobody would want to trade with you under those terms.

Its a massive pain in the behind trying to do import/export with India, if it wasn't for the fact that the mega corps get slave^H^H^H^H^H cheap labour nobody would try to deal with them at all.

I know Dave and his mates would love for the future of the UK to look like India and attract all sorts of wealthy companies to come and use the readily available slave workers (hired of course from his Tory party gang masters) but hopefully, that won't happen - although to be honest Amazon (and others) are already trying this approach, which is why the government budget has gone to shit, because of all of the low paid workers.

Its work Jim, but not as we know it!

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