Reply to post: Re: What is systemd

systemd row ends with Debian getting forked


Re: What is systemd

I doubt that even 10% of the people here has used systemd for more than a 5 minute casual test.

That may be the case. However some have, including myself. I switched back not for theological reasons but because it made a lot of things work unreliably (and some reliably not work). Only when I looked into what systemd really was and how it worked (which was after banning it) did I understand where my problems stemmed from.

but it certainly improves fast and once you get to know it it is pretty decent.

For some definition of "pretty decent", perhaps. However, on a production system you can't replace "rock solid" with "pretty decent". Together with the "improves fast" part, it is an argument to NOT make it the default and wait until it becomes really good instead.

That's only from a pragmatic, "need-to-work" point of view.

From an ideological point of view I do think that systemd is the spawn of some particuliarly dumb and nasty devil. But that's just my opinion, and so obviously entirely discussable.

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