Reply to post: Re: It's all about CHOICE

systemd row ends with Debian getting forked

John Hughes

Re: It's all about CHOICE

if a.n.application is deliberately coded to need systemd, then the battle is lost

1. That application is gummiboot(*). No, I've never heard of it either.

2. What does that have to do with Debians choice of default boot system?

Say Debian chose upstart as the default boot system. Would that make gummiboot work without systemd? No.

systemd is a choice in Debian. It is even a choice in Devuan! But neither of them will be able to use gummiboot without systemd.

Unless someone patches gummiboot to not depend on systemd.

For this we needed a fork?

(* Yes. The only application in Debian Jessie that depends on systemd with no alternative is gummiboot)

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