Reply to post: Re: Hasn't this happened already with Upstart?

systemd row ends with Debian getting forked

Ben Tasker

Re: Hasn't this happened already with Upstart?


So tell me, if I'm going to configure to log in text, what precisely is the point in me having journald running in the first place?

You're essentially arguing that it's OK for SystemD to use it's own (IMHO crappy) logging system because I can make it also pass onto rsyslog. journald is therefore completely redundant, so why would I want it on my system in the first place?

That aside though, even if you are planning on using journald's logs, configuring it to also spit out to rsyslog is a good idea. Anything that causes journald to exit uncleanly leads to log corruption, and the SystemD devs appear not to care

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