Reply to post: Re: First Amendment ?

Right to be forgotten should apply to too: EU

phil dude

Re: First Amendment ?

Doesn't matter.

The First Amendment exists because of the bloody Europeans anyway. Specifically it was the stain-on-humanity royals and their toadies who were the drivers, but all of Europe still has this "superiority by position" approach to the world. The EU is a case-study in how not to run a government.

Yes, the UK may have been in the driving seat for American independence, but the Founding Fathers had centuries to choose from arbitrary state oppression, Mad George III just happened to be on the desk at the time.

Businesses want to limit your information because it allows them to present object X for price A while being of quality Y and worth price B. And since there are so many competing interests taking a little bite of the pie, the amount of information is ALREADY smaller than it should be. Look at the current fights going on.

Internet: Lies about speed. Lies about costs of infrastructure. Lies about spying.

Food: Lies about content. Lies about the effect.

Pharms: Lies about what is known. Selective data publishing.

Computers: Lies about the software and hardware flaws. Restricted information used to force upgrades on consumers.

Flim/Music/Media: Lies about copying to cover out-moded business practices. Selective publish practices

Google is a search engine that happens to be the current best. All that is required is that they (Google) do not stop a competitor emerging with a better product.

However, as good as Google is , it simply is not good *enough* for humanity to advance.


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