Reply to post: Re: Nothing to do with Work culture

The gender imbalance in IT is real, ongoing and ridiculous

codejunky Silver badge

Re: Nothing to do with Work culture


"A disclaimer -- My sister is a qualified programmer who is continually offered work and opportunities and makes decent money, because she is good."

Something I do notice is the difference in quality of male to female developer. The females I find are really good and interested in the subject to be there and so produce good results. I find males to be much more variable but numerous ranging from great to diabolical. I do not believe that women are just better at it than men just as I dont believe the other way around, but I do believe it has a lot to do with my experience through uni. All those wonderful adverts of quit your job and make your money in IT caused a lot of kids with no clue of what they want to do to take IT in various forms. My classes were full of people who went to uni to avoid getting a job (student loan is free money and let them drink and party) with very few who actually cared about the subject.

My expectation is that the girls had their own choices of what to do without a clue and if my experience since school is at all representative there was a worrying number who's aspirations ended at getting up the duff early and being given a council house and free money. I do hope mine was an odd experience but I expect the many girls with no idea what to do will disperse to their own interests. I expect the vast sea of blokes in IT is down to them having no idea what they wanted to do and followed a herd.

*Note: One of the guys in my classes would regularly ask extremely basic questions which at first got on my nerves thinking he didnt care about the subject like most of the people there. However after a while it became apparent that he didnt know much about the subject but was actually interested in the topic and I went out of my way (as did a couple of other serious students) to help him understand the classes.

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