Reply to post: Re: Science, bitches?

Antarctic ice THICKER than first feared – penguin-bot boffins

codejunky Silver badge

Re: Science, bitches?

@ Abel Adamski

So continuing your analogy using the Ebola virus would you side with the people who want to know the facts? Wait for research and testing to provide facts? Wait for a real world solution supported by fact and science?

Or would you give up on that and instead follow the witch doctor who says he knows what is happening no matter how many times his predictions fail because he can draw scary pictures and get a religious consensus of like minded believers and expelling anyone who does not just believe?

Suicide seems to be programmed into some people. Religious beliefs too. That is why science is supposed to reflect reality not consensus otherwise we would have to presume the existence of god. As for your link, it is definitely a political influence over a scientific one otherwise we wouldnt have monuments to the sky fairies in the dream of it being a solution against all fact.

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