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Holy cow! Fasthosts outage blamed on DDoS hack attack AND Windows 2003 vuln


I learned a lot from your article and the comments too. And I thought that using a VPN would protect you online and that it's the best way to protect you online. You get to have your freedom online, feel secured, and of course you feel private. It's like being invisible to hackers. I get my VPN from IronSocket, and I pay like $4 a month. It's worth it. Really worth it. They provide DNS proxy, SOCKS5, HTTP, Unblock-us, etc.. Check them out and you would know. Anyways, I loved your article and that I came to think of the DNS which I usually use for streaming. It usually works because of it's enryption. You can also use VPN but it's without encryption and therefore, there's no difference.

The main thing here is protection to hackers... And the best way is use VPN... (Virtual Private Network)

Looking forward to your next article. Cheers.

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