Reply to post: Re: To start with, the display resolution has jumped from 1080 x 1920 to 1140 x 2560 pixels.

Samsung Galaxy Note 4: Spawn of Galaxy Alpha and a Note 3 unveiled

werdsmith Silver badge

Re: To start with, the display resolution has jumped from 1080 x 1920 to 1140 x 2560 pixels.

I don't need glasses for reading, but I'm not interested in tiny text anyway. Printers have long been able to produce tiny font size, but they don't cram pages with more text, they use a standard ideal size.

So I don't need any more pixels, I don't need any more screen size.

I want a phone that goes comfortably in a pocket, can stand being dropped on concrete or soaked with rain, can hold a strong signal in fringe reception areas, has a battery that can sustain a lot of use over a standard day, doesn't have a painfully scattered user interface like Android and doesn't have to use expensive proprietary accessories like Apple.

Unfortunately the obsession with screen size and useless extra pixels seem to have distracted the phone makers.

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