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Bang! You're dead. Who gets your email, iTunes and Facebook?

Amorous Cowherder

I couldn't care less to be quite blunt, others in my immediate family will no doubt beg to differ. I have a will to ensure anything of any value is passed on but once I'm gone, I'm worm food and none of this stuff I've done or saved will mean anything to me and probably not to anyone else. I have to date 2,500 landscape photos I've shot, some have won international competitions, some are earning me license fees as I write, it would be a shame to lose all that hard work but that's my family's problem once I'm gone. I have asked my family what they want to do with me and my stuff, they're welcome to do whatever the wish with my physical remains and my "digital remains", they've yet to decide. Sure it would be shame to just vanish in the puff of an "rm" command but that's life, or death! I was brought up to accept that death is as natural as birth, simply a natural part of life. I have to go some day to make room for others.

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