Reply to post: Re: Just a little more law...

Attack of the drones: ‘Nefarious’ private use rising, says top Blighty copper

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Just a little more law...

"Just bung us a few more laws we can use for blanketing anything we don't approve of."

The Holy Grail in Police circles - apparently known as a Martini law: "Anyone, Any time, Any place".

First saw that expression used by a retired police officer referring to the low thresholds of evidence that were being touted in the Sexual Offences Bill 2003. The Police argument was that proving intent to "cause alarm or distress" was too difficult - so just prosecute any nudity. They also threw in the requirement that it could theoretically cause "alarm or distress" to the most vulnerable hypothetical person imaginable - even if no one saw it except the police officer.

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