Reply to post: Re: What happened to cheap and cheerful?

Holy cow! Fasthosts outage blamed on DDoS hack attack AND Windows 2003 vuln


Re: What happened to cheap and cheerful?

"Presumably pointing out that a Microsoft product outperforms an Open Source one doesn't go down well here. Not exactly news in this case though. Just like .Net tends to outperform Java too."

I find that mentioning anything to do with Microsoft tends to raise a similar reaction, lets not evaluate products on their merit, lets just go with whatever we THINK is best.

What I find funny about the whole thing is that I am a developer and have direct experience of this, I work on PHP and .Net apps and rather than maintaining 2 sets of operating systems we host the whole lot on windows (Though to be fair we are on 2008/2012) - for the reasons that I outlined earlier.

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