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Microsoft .NET released from its Windows chains... but what ABOUT MONO?

Hans 1

I call BS on this claim, the doc might say so, experience tells me otherwise ... one example (!!cross-post!!):

To reproduce:

1. Install XP SP3 in a VM

2. Download and "attempt" to install SQL Server 2008, notice that it asks for TWO separate .Net runtimes as well as PowerShell ... there, happy ... FFS.

There is this French saying: Faut pas parler aux cons, ça les instruit.

Excuse my French

Now, maybe you prefer calling SQL Server dev team are a bunch of numpties ? Your call.

The reason why I use XP in this example is because it ships without .net runtimes by default after a fresh install, unlike Vista/7/8/8.1/9^H10. Note that I installed the express edition and it asked for 2.0 and 3.5 (IIRC), note also, that I later downloaded another little tool that wanted .net 1.1 - cannot remember what it was, maybe crap dev in that case, maybe ... I prefer to stick with Java.

I don't care about down-votes, ROFL. Care to clean the manager's desk, he's waiting, don't forget to scrub both the surface and the windows thoroughly.

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