Reply to post: 5,000+ people show themselves to be slightly illiterate...

Space Commanders rebel as Elite:Dangerous kills offline mode


5,000+ people show themselves to be slightly illiterate...

Including the Reg it seems.

The newsletter did not state that offline was being removed.

It stated, quite clearly, that offline mode (it's still there!) is required to connect 'from time to time'. I think this can be taken in a positive light, as there are *plenty* of examples of software that needs to connect 'from time to time' for all sorts of reasons.

Frontier have only modeled the entire Galaxy - probably a bit of a stretch to fit that in 4GB of RAM at 32bits, really!

I for one can't wait - I've been looking forward to this day for about 28 years...

Declaration of Conflict of Interest: Alpha Backer, who has spent way too much time of late carving up asteroids in my Hauler, about to upgrade to Cobra to do some heavier trade runs. I want to try to get a Clipper before the next wipe! Right on, Commanders!

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