Reply to post: Re: Good to know what offends him

Jony Ive: Apple isn't here to make money. And students shouldn't use computers so much

Dave 126 Silver badge

Re: Good to know what offends him

>Downvoted because this is obviously wrong - how can you even start to select the type of tooling if you don't have forecast production volumes?

Because the Product Designer works with the Manufacturing Engineers in selecting the tooling, taking their advice, learning from them, but ultimately taking the decision on which process to use. Before then, the Product Designer liaises with other parts of the company - which is where the volume forecast comes from in the first place.

Everything is inter-related - you can't design it until you know how you will make it. You don't know how you will make it until you know how many you will sell. You don't know how many you will sell until you have appraised how much you will sell it for. You don't know much you will sell it for until you have selected a process... and so on. Hence the importance of communication and working together.

Again, this is the difference between Industrial Design and Product Design.

According to you AC, you have have the engineers talking directly to the marketing and finance departments- and that is a recipe for someone getting hit by a spanner.

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