Reply to post: Re: Not going to happen, but....

SCREW YOU, net neutrality hippies – AT&T halts gigabit fiber

Preston Munchensonton

Re: Not going to happen, but....

"So Munchensonton, you're not in favor of current net neutrality and against European style fast networks? You yanks have the slowest networks in the industrialized world."

I'm for laissez-faire capitalism. The reason the networks look the way they do now is not based on individuals making free choices. It's based on the idiotic, bastardized form of socialism/capitalism that seems to have completely permeated the Federal, state, and local governments of the entire US. Under such a system, businesses and consumers make decisions that are not naturally in their best interest, but try to make do with the insane regulations that twist the market in the complete cluster fuck that exists today.

Personally, I would rather be able to choose my carrier whenever I wanted, regardless of the speeds available, based on nothing more than the available carriers competing for my monthly spend. Doesn't seem to be a problem for other areas like CPUs, storage, RAM, or local Ethernet networks. Why should any WAN services be different?

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