Reply to post: Re: Another tool in the kitbag

Microsoft: It's TIME at LAST. Yes - .NET is going OPEN and X-PLATFORM


Re: Another tool in the kitbag

>>"What will you do if you have developed something, run in on Linux machines... and one day Microsoft decided not to support Linux any longer."

Well that's true of any language or framework, Open Source or otherwise - you have to hope there are enough others out there like you that it wont wither away and die. A couple of things with .NET are that (a) it's already pretty mature and widely-used so that's good. And following from that, even if MS abandon support for it on GNU/Linux, they'll continue to support .NET itself so the job of maintaining it on GNU/Linux is a lot simpler than if it were abandoned altogether. You're always going to have a sizeable community next door and that has knock-on effects - you essentially just have to re-implement any changes rather than come up with them yourself. And it massively enlarges the pool of available programmers too.

In fact, I'm surprised at this decision because of that last point. What this does is enable a lot of Windows programmers to [more] easily migrate to writing software on GNU/Linux.

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