Reply to post: Re: OS integrated browser was MS's point of failure.

Firefox decade: Microsoft's IE humbled by a dogged upstart. Native next?

Cynical Shopper

Re: OS integrated browser was MS's point of failure.

"But IE offered "multiple tab browsing" by putting each new tab (each new window) into the taskbar at the bottom of the screen -- a break with standard (and very successfull) Windows design of putting application menus on the application window, not on the main screen."

IE conformed to the Windows 95 "document-centric" ethos - each separate document was supposed to have its own window and button on the taskbar; it was Firefox that broke the rules. Tabbed IE now has the horrific mess of a single window and multiple taskbar entries, similar to Excel and its dreadful MDI window left over from Windows 3.1 days.

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