Reply to post: Re: Occam's Razor

GOD particle MAY NOT BE GOD particle: Scientists in shock claim


Re: Occam's Razor

But that's the point, isn't it?

The Higgs announcement was done very carefully. After all, much Egg-in-Face would be involved if they got it wrong... So the basic theory stands, and until they fire up the LHC again to get better measurements, we won't know.

The CERN team was very clear that they found a Higgs particle. They couldn't be sure if it was the only one, or, like some theories stated, there could be a set, until after the refurbishement so they could make bigger bangs.

To me, this danish announcement sounds premature and there's not a single solid thing where the team involved points at the data and says: "hey, that's funny..."

So until they do I'd classify it as fund-fishing.

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