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Bloke, 26, accused of running drug souk Silk Road 2.0 cuffed by Feds


Fuck this raccoon eyed mutherfucker

This is why we need to limit immigration in the USA; cocksuckers like this using US taxpayer funds to go off on crusades to penalize victimless crime; assholes, mutherfuckers, cocksuckers.Mediocrity in a mediocre uni is not a license to fuck around with US citizens. Remember in fucking Mother India drugs crime is a medical problem, ya fucking zipperhead. Goddamn, I want raze the Feds and get rid of all these greased pole climbing cocksuckers. Fuck you, Pradeep or whoever the fuck your name is. Reg editor, if you give out my details I will personally come to London and rip yer fuckin yarbles off if you have any yarbles.

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