Reply to post: Like I said

Why solid-state disks are winning the argument

Flocke Kroes Silver badge

Like I said

Put the cat videos on a NAS spinning disk.

What is left is usually tiny. I keep seeing computers with ½TB drives that are least 90% empty space. Give it a year, and I will see more 1TB drives that are 95% empty. Perhaps you really do need to carry the complete Debian archive around with you (source code and binaries for 16 architectures is 1TB). That makes you unusual. Last time I looked at laptops, SSDs were not even an option. It would be nice to have the choice.

BTW - I bet half the reliability problems people experience from USB and SDHC cards comes from buying from a supermarket. The buyers there can get you a crate of fish with a good sell-by date and evidence that the fish have been stored and transported at the right temperature. The same people are less good at spotting the difference between real branded flash and flash made by the same people after hours with recycled half-capacity components and lying firmware. It is worth waiting a couple of days for delivery from a computing specialist - and cheaper.

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