Reply to post: Re: "at least a few of the people".

New GCHQ spymaster: US tech giants are 'command and control networks for terror'


Re: "at least a few of the people".

We expect the state to look after the interests of the whole of the people. That means democracy and respect for the law. It does not mean unfettered liberty for officers of the state who already have very wide powers.

We have all seen believable evidence of bad govenance of the security services, all that is required is believable evidence of good govenance.

It is simply not good enough for the Head Prefect of GCHQ to say that his chaps would rather walk than than be involved in mass surveillance. They are involved in mass surveilance and any thought that the mass surveillance data could not be misused because some GCHQ staffer would feel squeamish is laughable.

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