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ONE FIFTH of Win Server 2003 users to miss support cutoff date

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Incomplete...

so strongly tied to a single OS implementation

In hindsight that's bad - in fact nowadays we're reluctant to even be tied into a single OS family.

But a decade ago that type of behaviour was actively encouraged by Microsoft, for obvious reasons.

And it's still very typical this day and age among the corporate developers who quite frankly don't have a clue and aren't motivated to learn the art of their trade, and just want to survive the next month without people realising how shoddy they are. In two years time, when the "bastards at Microsoft change everything on purpose just to suck more money out of us", the finger is pointed at MS - not the developer who's been plodding along doing the same shit for the last 10 years. (Yes, I've been maintaining this month).

I think we've all worked with people like that, or suffered because of them (perhaps even been that person at one point).

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