Reply to post: Re: Not just windmill nutters

Wind farms make you sick claims blown away again

Voland's right hand Silver badge

Re: Not just windmill nutters

Queue letters coming in to the local council about headaches, sleepless nights, nausea,

Some people do get all of these. They are not however related to GSM, WiFi sensitivity or other psychobabble. The microwave intensities are simply not there for that. The root cause is different.

Plain and simple - these are people that have very low tolerance to vibrations and infrasound. Different people have different sensitivity, however every one is affected. As an experiment - you can put infrasound ~ 7Hz at >40 db in an office. Nobody will hear it (it is under the hearing threshold). It does affect every one, so by the end of the day people will have headaches, nausea and will be at each other's throats. Some will be violently sick too.

A turbine field will generate infrasound - it is the laws of physics - the collision of air waves deflecting off the blades off neighbouring turbines as well as lower harmonics generated from interference of higher frequency sounds from blades, etc. So will a lot of the power supplies for a lot of electronic equipment - they all generate ultrasound (from the power conversion part) and some generate infrasound as well as a result of intereference between higher frequency harmonics.

Usually the intensities are nowhere near 50 db :) This however does not mean that you may not run into someone with a "weak inner ear" who will be affected at lower intensity. It also does not mean that a particular turbine field has not been designed so badly that it resonates and some more sensitive people sick over time. Ditto for basestations and other electronic equipment.

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