Reply to post: Re: I'd get some for the workshop.

Google Glassholes haven't achieved 'social acceptance' - report

Michael Wojcik Silver badge

Re: I'd get some for the workshop.

Your own eyes, spatial awareness, and memory (as unreliable as any of that may be) is much better at this job.

Well, certainly those are necessary. On the other hand, I've taken pictures of things I'm working on, particularly to help with reassembly. No shame in it.

But I wouldn't want to try to use Glass for the job. When I'm working with tools, I'm wearing ANSI-spec safety glasses. While a head-mounted camera might sometimes be useful, I'd want it to be a separate gadget - not least because polycarbonate lenses don't last that long and I have to replace my safety glasses every year or so. And often what I'm doing isn't something I want to expose a thousand-dollar fashion accessory to (or even a hundred-dollar one).

I'm not a fan of heads-up displays, personally, so that bit's irrelevant for me.

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