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OpenSUSE 13.2: Have your gecko and eat your rolling distro too

phil dude
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I have a new workstation about to arrive, and i asked them to stick 13.2 on an LVM so i can play with it.

I am a SuSer, so no surprise. But they clearly think BTRFS is ready for prime time, so I will cautiously give it a shot.

For those reading who are not Linux users BTRFS offers a copy-on-write facility which prevents your data from be accidentally damaged. e.g. from Cryptlocker or some other havoc reaper... This has been a common feature in professional environment for many years, so it is nice it makes it to the desktop. There are many others, but this one is probably very new to Windows users...

I am still leaning towards ZFS, though I worry that Oracle has left a nasty patent surprise in the code somewhere....


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