Reply to post: Re: Easy Solution

New GCHQ spymaster: US tech giants are 'command and control networks for terror'


Re: Easy Solution

Lord Bernard (a personal foible, no more, and no slight intended :-) )

I didn't use the right to bear arms as a thing I agreed with or in fact one with which I disagreed. I meant it to show that a simple principle - holding X accountable for all uses of X's product or service - isn't really simple. That while it may appear logical, there are a number of ways it can be impossible to implement.

So just as it might appear 'easy' to suggest the creation of a regime where "Google, Twitter, Facebook and Microsoft found that they were now liable for the content that their users publish", it would be far from easy to implement, if even possible. As easy, in fact, as holding gun manufacturers liable for all uses of guns, or getting a specific group of folk to accept that imposition...

Again, if I may, at no time have I said whether I agreed or in fact disagreed with gun ownership and use :-). It is an example only, if one selected specifically to highlight a potential issue :-)).

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