Reply to post: Re: Facebook and Tor

New GCHQ spymaster: US tech giants are 'command and control networks for terror'

Joe 48

Re: Facebook and Tor

Are people really this paranoid about this happening? Ok so a few readers of Elreg are, but we're not exactly speaking for the masses. Most of us are geeky types who are most likely over thinking it all. Either that or your all so dodgy its untrue!!

I'd love to know what they'd gain by imprisoning me, so can't see an example of when this would happen. Yes If I was slightly dodgy, and they wanted an excuse to get me, they could, in theory, make something up. It all just seems a little too like something you'd see in a hollywood movie. Maybe they could go old school on my ass. Getting my fingerprints putting them on a gun, getting a body from the morgue and setting up good old fashion frame.

If everyone on here is that worried about this, the only thing I can suggest is you put down the mouse and keyboard and leave the internet alone. Unfortunately this sort of mass surveillance is here to stay, for now, no amount of us debating it here will change that. Unfortunately I don't think the general non tech savvy public, either know, or care enough either.

Waits for next random reason I'm going to get arrested for......

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