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Programming Office 365: Hands On with Microsoft's new APIs


Another Auth System

Oh great, another hosted authentication system from Microsoft. So far I believe this is their 4th but maybe I've missed one...

To my knowledge they have:

Live Connect, which seems fairly widely used but is secreted away somewhat and not really linked up to their Azure stuff.

Azure ACS, which is now deprecated after being "best practice" for a little while.

Azure Mobile Applications, which always seemed weird as an auth point for me but they bundled scheduled tasks in with those too so who knows?

Of course there's also the good old forms auth stuff and Azure ACS was kind of linked with active directory on Azure too.

Either way - this "ecosystem" is a massive mess for anyone just getting started. Honestly if it were up to me I'd not touch Microsoft auth with a barge pole. They just don't seem to know what they want to do.

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