Reply to post: Re: Psy got paid for the number of records that sold not that got played for free on youtube.

Hey, YouTube lovers! How about you pay us, we start paying for STUFF? - Google


Re: Psy got paid for the number of records that sold not that got played for free on youtube.

>The point is that youtube made a fuck sight more than that off him....

Which is normal for any kind of creative work. Record company/distributor/etc gets x, you get somewhere between 0.1x and 0 depending on how aggressive your lawyer is and how much The Powers That Be rate your prospects.

I'm not saying it's fair, just that's how it works - except on Amazon and in the App Store, where the split is much more favourable.

Incidentally, on YouTube you don't just get ad share from direct plays but from plays of related content. In Psy's case that includes all those parody videos.

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