Reply to post: Re: Change is difficult

Was ist das? Eine neue Suse Linux Enterprise? Ausgezeichnet!

phil dude

Re: Change is difficult

I'll upvote. I'm home user. Also use the supercomputers.

I sort of get everyone who says "why can't it be init scripts?" is complaining, I really do.

But it is entirely possible to de-systemd your system, since it is the "init" process that controls(lled) those scripts. I guess change init, and tar -xvf my-init-scripts should work?

Unless systemd is somehow added to every executable on the system?

The thing about systemd is that if you have problems, submit a patch. Perhaps get it to use zipped xml for a format, rather than opqaue blobs (yes, I don't like that either).

Oh and pulseaudio works fine for me,


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