Reply to post: Re: So....

Apple's OS X Yosemite slurps UNSAVED docs into iCloud


Re: So....

A couple versions back, Apple introduced iCloud saving/sharing and reopen on close without the user needing to save.

This version Apple said there'd be Handoff: start it on the iPhone, continue on the Mac.

Now, how could these things be done without immediate saving to iCloud, before the user has chosen where it is to be saved?

I'll wait.

Yeah. That's right. This security genius has figured out that the waves get bigger when the tide comes in.

Okay. Here's the critical part. If this bothers you, do not use Apple products. (But you better go cloud-free because otherwise something is leaving your device and has a non-zero chance of being intercepted.)

If you're like me you say, a) security is inverse to convenience, b) it's good enough, c) I'm a boring grown-up so I'll pick a strong, unique password, take my chances and continue to enjoy the benefit.

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