Reply to post: Glass half empty?

Apple's OS X Yosemite slurps UNSAVED docs into iCloud


Glass half empty?

Surely this could just as easily be written as Apple backing up your work by default for you, for free. This is just how the Apple ecosystem is designed - if it's easier for the user, or if the user gets some benefit then it's on by default. The difference between the Apple cloud and the Google cloud is that the Apple one is paid for by the users through higher device prices and higher subscription costs. The Google one is paid for by whoring out your information to all and sundry. The Apple privacy statement says they won't share your stuff, Google says they absolulu share everything you give them. Except it's not sharing, it's selling and it's not you giving it's them taking.

Why do I trust Apple? Because I paid Apple for the products, people didn't pay Apple for me to take the products (lookin' at you Google and Facebook...)

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