Reply to post: Re: About that self-professed rational liberalism

This Changes Everything? OH Naomi Klein, NO

Tim Worstal

Re: About that self-professed rational liberalism

"That's one reason henry Ford always paid generously: to make sure he had customers for his products."

I actually ran through the numbers on this for Forbes once. Took the number of workers he had, the cost of that pay rise to $5 a day and the price of a Model T at the time.

If every single one of his workers had bought a new Model T each and every year then Ford would still have lost (in revenue mind, not profits or margin, but revenue) some $2.5 million a year.

So why Ford did raise pay could be for a number of reasons* but getting his workers to buy his cars just wasn't one of them.

*The actual reason was that he had a permanent establishment of 13,000 but he was hiring 50,000 a year to keep that many. That's expensive. So he raised pay to reduce turnover and that saved him more than the higher pay cost him.

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