Reply to post: Re: Nuclear

Trips to Mars may be OFF: The SUN has changed in a way we've NEVER SEEN

Fluffy Bunny

Re: Nuclear

"would the change in the sun effect the earth's climate to increase the temperature?"

Interestingly, no. Incident cosmic rays knocks electrons off dust in the upper atmosphere. These ionised dust particles form the nucleus of raindrops, creating clouds. Reducing the solar wind increases the cosmic radiation, which increases the ionised dust and this increases the cloud cover. More cloud cover means less heat reaching the surface of the Earth and this will reduce the overall temperature.

We can guess that this is the reason the Earth's temperature hasn't risen in 16/17 years, but I don't have enough reliable information to judge that. Note that I say reliable, I'm not interested in the usual warmist fraud like Gore's famous hockey stick.

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