Reply to post: Re: RE: AC Suckerdog Looking forward to seeing this

Citizenfour: Poitras' doco is about NSA and GCHQ – not Snowden

Bernard M. Orwell

Re: RE: AC Suckerdog Looking forward to seeing this

I note that you haven't refuted this yet, MB. Why not?

Surely you have some opinion about how many children we're allowed to kill before its not ok? Or some argument that they aren't really children?

Or perhaps you're going to fall back to that idea that those who aid "terrorists" are just as bad as the "terrorists" and need to be killed? Doesn't matter if they aren't cooperating willingly or they've been herded into buildings you consider to be "military/viable targets" does it?

They're just terrorists getting in the way of killing more terrorists.

Not children. Not victims.

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