Reply to post: Re: I really hope this works, but ...

Scientists skeptical of Lockheed Martin's truck-sized fusion reactor breakthrough boast


Re: I really hope this works, but ...

An airship, on the other hand, would work quite well.

Place the reactor in the middle of a huge bag of Helium and very few neutrons will escape the outer envelope. And, hey, what's the waste product of the reactor? Helium. (1)

As far as reducing weight, it'd be nice if there was a way to get electricity directly from the plasma itself (perhaps via MHD (2) ?) rather than have all the weight of a heat exchanger / turbine / condenser / feed pump cycle.

(1) Yes, the reactor output volume of Helium will be orders of magnitude smaller than the volume of gas required for lift.

(2) Magneto Hydro Dynamics - electricity can be generated based off the magnetic field generated by moving ions within the plasma. It'd be difficult to get the MHD generator to not interfere with the containment magnetic field, however.

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