Reply to post: Re: Legal Blackhole

Adobe spies on readers: 'EVERY page you turn, EVERY book you own' leaked back to base

heyrick Silver badge

Re: Legal Blackhole

"I'm not a lawyer but the terms and conditions paragraph provides plenty of wriggle room."

I seriously doubt that.

You could argue that the page turning is for reader use profiling, and you could argue that recording books read is for device use profiling. But this part - "but was also scanning the host computer for all ebooks and sending back information on those as well" - if substantiated, kicks it straight into deliberate unlawful activity.

And no, it doesn't matter what you put in the terms and conditions, those do not override the law. For example, I could provide you with some of my software which carries a term written in tiny print down at the end where nobody bothers to read giving myself rights over your daughter (if you have one). That is simply neither enforceable nor moral if she is adult, and if she is a child...let's not even go there. Just because it is written doesn't automatically mean they have the right.

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