Reply to post: Re: It's all well and good to choose not to upgrade

PEAK APPLE: iOS 8 SHUNNED by refusenik fanbois

Alex Trenchard
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Re: It's all well and good to choose not to upgrade

A sample size of one is of limited use, but I am one such. I have an iPhone4S, still happily running iOS6 (6.1.3, to be specific), because I simply loathe the aesthetic of flat design.

I literally couldn't tell you the last day when I didn't use it to go online, and it regularly also gets plugged into, and synced with, a computer that does include iTunes.

Admittedly, I've lost access to some apps like Facetime; and yes, I'm aware that I'm potentially at risk due to Heartbleed, so I don't use it for anything even remotely sensitive or personal. But I'm stubborn enough that I'd rather wait and upgrade my whole phone to something Android-based than accept iOS7.

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