Reply to post: Re: The Linux community has always been this way.

Linux systemd dev says open source is 'SICK', kernel community 'awful'

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: The Linux community has always been this way.

Apart from it's lack of market share for anything other than web servers and embedded devices/mobile phones.

True story. Whilst working for the NHS in IT I noticed a simple niche that would have been perfect for a Linux box to run, but quite expensive to put a windows box in for due to having to license it for about 6k users.

Putting it in would have been cheap, it would have given the staff more experience with administering Linux which then would almost as certainly led to wider adoption. When I suggested the idea to the head of department the look he gave me (ie, lunatic) immediately said as a picture that unprofessional zealot idiots had already been suggesting Linux in the past, and had permanently burnt and blown up bridges in that direction.

As a result, I immediately had to resort to damage control and couldn't push it, and they ended up using the Windows option (which was available, but comparatively massively expensive. A more professional approach by it's advocates would help Linux adoption immensely.

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