Reply to post: Nobody saw the link between this episode's plot and the arguments for/against abortion?

Doctor Who becomes an illogical, unscientific, silly soap opera in Kill The Moon

Bob Camp

Nobody saw the link between this episode's plot and the arguments for/against abortion?

Maybe it's because I'm across the pond and our media is saturated with this discussion. But the three women started quoting the arguments for pro-life vs. pro-choice almost verbatim. Then the only male (and doctor) left the women to discuss it among themselves, saying he had no input into the discussion. A woman who's had kids, a women who wants kids someday, and a teenager (the one who's usually making the decision).

This regeneration of the Doctor is an @sshole. He also seems to have far less knowledge about human behavior and customs than before. He is constantly making insulting remarks to everyone around him. Nobody wants to cheer for him. I hope this is being done on purpose, so that there is some huge event at the end of the season that softens his heart.

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