Reply to post: Re: RE: DragonLord Well we'd need a more refined bill of rights

Spies, avert eyes! Tim Berners-Lee demands a UK digital bill of rights

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: RE: DragonLord Well we'd need a more refined bill of rights

> Strange, I don't remember there being any restraint on Third World farmers growing further crops from genetically-enhanced, drought- and disease-resistant seeds supplied by the UN, specifically the GM maize supplied to African countries to help them beat famines. Are you taking a hypothetical case and trying to pass it off as inevitable or just talking male bovine manure?

You may be right in this particular case, but there are many documented instances of Mansanto and others supplying seed on the proviso that they do not replant seed but buy from them year after year. This is not DRM but is a good analog.

A better comparison would be companies developing plants that do not themselves produce seed. That would be a horrendous thing to drop into our eco-system and would inevitably hasten our demise after any natural disaster causing the general collapse of our society. Bottom line: we have to be careful what we let these companies do to our food chain.

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