Reply to post: Re: Back in a time where...

So long Lotus 1-2-3: IBM ceases support after over 30 years of code

Jim 59

Re: Back in a time where...

ql says: "...we thought that Windows was looking like the future"

One year, about 1985, I attended the Personal Computer World Show at Earl's Court. It was called "Personal..." because it was organized by the magazine of the same name, but it was as much about business computers. We were all used to word processing, databases etc with an 80x25 text screen, and pretty happy with that to be honest. At least it was simple and fast. But at the Show, it was Windowing GUIs on all sides - GEM, Apricot, Apple, Windows, all the big players - and small ones - had something to push. Still monochrome, mind.

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