Reply to post: Re: Remember when "Windows NT" was the KILLER OF EVERYTHING™??

Business is back, baby! Hasta la VISTA, Win 8... Oh, yeah, Windows 9

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Remember when "Windows NT" was the KILLER OF EVERYTHING™??


Conversely, the recent "Hearbleed" & "Shellshock" bugs were openly revealed and the Open Source fixed quickly and publicly. Whereas with proprietary software, most users blissfully unaware of any critical bugs until the next bach of patches released, unlike the crackers who have a window of opportunity until said patches turn up.

No humanly designed OS is bug free and never will be. Just how buggy is the question.

Free Classic Shell on Windows 8.x makes it much more traditional desktop friendly by providing a start menu. That's all most users need in my experience.

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