Reply to post: Re: it's not just the NSA

US stakes out 'net battleground ahead of ITU meeting

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: it's not just the NSA

If we made movies or music HERE and you stole it, why NOT! That does NOT equate to the loss of freedom of speech. A home movie does not count unless it shows some illegal act.

Don't break US law if you don't want to suffer the consequences. Really quite simple. Same as in yoiur country. BTW, you think your laws supersede ours? I beg to differ.

Here is what freedom of speech is according to the Constitution.

Opinions are like assholes, everyone has one and they ALL get the right to use it. We don't have "hate" speech legislation here. In the USA you are entitled to SAY anything you want. Notice I did not say "do" anything you want. Given that we've had several bouts of home brewed islamic terrorism IE several shootings and a beheading, expect you should want to convert to another religion.

Better expect that people WILL be listening. If "they" don't like the color of your spots, you just might get what you are asking for. One good Jihad deserves another!

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